Minggu, 11 Februari 2018

Consumption of Various Snacks, It's Zumi Zola's Secret To Not Fat

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Consumption of Various Snacks, It's Zumi Zola's Secret To Not Fat


Jakarta, Present at various events, of course Governor Jambi Zumi Zola confronted with a variety of dishes. Well, to keep his body stay fit and not fattening despite eating a variety of snacks, Zumi has its own way. Every time there is an invitation I certainly appreciate by eating and the food was tasty like a curry. Well to outsmart I definitely sport skipping, said Zumi on the sidelines of his visit to headquarters AFP, Jalan Warung Jati Barat, South Jakarta, Wednesday (01/02/2017) .Zumi admitted diligently doing sports skipping after morning prayers and after work. According to him, skipping is an easy sport because only capital rope. Skipping sports everywhere can. Because I live carrying the rope, continued the 36-year man ini.Baca also: Can Be Imitated, Various kinds of Sports in Office Ala Readers detikHealthSelain it, Zumi also make sport as a daily activity. Because, for Zumi sport is a 'savings' health in the old days. Sports it means also the old days, the benefits later. Although the sport is only a short 10-15 minutes which is important the heart is already working okay, said the husband of Sherrin Tharia ini.Nah other than skipping, Zumi also often do the sport that run in the field and play futsal with the community. If the people are ngajakin playing futsal yes I play. So in the car always ready shoes, clothes and pants, Zumi added. Watch the 20-second video here: Also read: Jump-Lopeat Yuk, Let Skinny! Here's How to Do It Right (rdn / up)





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